How does the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program work?
The ABLE Long-Term Ombudsman Program serves 17 Northwest Ohio counties, including Allen, Auglaize, Defiance, Erie, Fulton, Hancock, Hardin, Henry, Lucas, Mercer, Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam, Sandusky, Van Wert, Williams, and Wood.
Staff members are certified by the Ohio Department of Aging, and have professional backgrounds in law, social work, nursing, and health care. They respond to, investigate, and resolve complaints ranging from unappetizing food and inadequate hygiene to violations of civil rights, abuse, neglect, admission and discharge problems.
ABLE's Long-Term Care Ombudsmen also help resolve concerns regarding billing and access to services. Ombudsmen work with the consumer, family members, or other representatives and long-term care providers to resolve problems and concerns about quality of care and quality of life.
In addition to complaint resolution, our Ombudsman staff also provide:
Ombudsmen are available to educate the community by speaking with groups regarding long-term care issues. They also monitor and support laws affecting older persons.
Call us.
We can help.
To voice a concern or obtain information about long-term care, contact ABLE's Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.
Please call ABLE's Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program at: